Create Every Day Project

Who has time to create every day???
I think we all do!

Or I think it is important that we do create every stay connected, to get inspired, to get exposure to new things, and to not give up. We are all creatives and there is always time to create, you just have to tell ourselves there is and then make the time.

I have a chalkboard by our side door and for the past couple of months it has had this quote on it:

"You do have time to create."
It is my daily reminder.

After a bit of creative U-Turn a couple of weeks ago, I decided it was important that I just to stay creative, doing even the littlest thing each day (I have to remind myself of this constantly). This was mostly inspired by Week 10 in The Artist's Way, and this post on my friend Allie's blog, Between Dreams.

Here is the list Allie posted:

Photo Credit: Between Dreams

I love this list for a few reasons.
1. It show we are all creatives.
2. A few things are already things we like doing daily.
3. It keeps it simple.
I also love #2, 24, 29, 32.

I have been finding that we can make being creative into something extremely complicated...when in reality, it couldn't be simpler. I went to art school...your creativity had some pressure put on because your grades mattered. I work as a graphic designer, some pressure is put on my creativity to make sure I preform. These things complicate creativity.

Okay, I am not talking about work or school...I am talking about fun creative things to keep me inspired. The one thing I miss most about working in graphic design is working with my hands, getting them dirty and moving around a shop. Love that. That is where jewelry comes in for me. I just have to make sure I do a little bit every week. It is hard when life gets in the way...paddling, work, exercise, friends, family, pets, traveling, planning my wedding (oh ya...) and eating!!
But it is worth it.

Create Every Day Project

So where does the project fit in?

In order to make sure I am creating daily, I am starting the Create Every Day Project. The CEDP will be a weekly post featuring what I am working on (things in progress), what I created the previous week (finished projects), how I got inspired (what I have found), or maybe even a tutorial on how I made something (so you can make it too). I am interested to see what all the weeks will end up looking like, all the different ways I find myself creating, and how it will keep me honest about creating. I think it will be a lot of fun!

Would you like to join in on this project? Should we do a link up party, so we can share all of our projects each week? Leave your thoughts and comments below. I look forward to sharing my projects with you!

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Guest Post // Ocean Inspired Jewelry

Hi Loves....Happy Friday! 

For this Falling for Friday I have Kel Thompson here to talk about where she finds her favorite ocean inspired jewelry! 

Kel Thompson blogs over at and is always writing about paddling, ocean inspired things and her latest adventures. She always has fun ocean inspired jewelry on so asked her to write up on where she finds all of her jewels.


Kel wearing MCKMetal earrings

I am a HUGE fan of Ocean Inspired Jewelry, well really ocean inspired anything. I try to keep my blog related to the ocean life somehow, because that is my lifestyle. It is a big part of my life, and a big part of what I LOVE to write about! It just so happens that ocean inspired jewelry is one of my favorite things to discover!

One of the easiest ways to find jewelry with elements of the sea and ocean involved is ETSY. Etsy has a HUGE database of handmade good and jewelry that can be easily found by just searching for what you want!

A fun way however is to search INSTAGRAM. I personally post on my instagram (@KelThompson) everything I buy that’s ocean inspired to support the small businesses I buy from! The women (I say women because it usually is) work day in and day out to provide their social media followers with jewelry they think they will enjoy. Now one day, go and search #SeaGlassEarring, #ShellBangle, #TahitianPearl! This is what I found:

Mermaid Jewelry HI bangles and ring
Mermaid Jewelry HI
Name: Senchal
Instagram: @MermaidTreasureHI

Mermaid Jewelry HI ring
I love her rings and shell bangles, I never take them off! The work she does with silver is amazing, and everything is reasonably priced! I buy three a time!!

Photo Credit:
Name: Mckenzie
Instagram: @MCKMetal

Photo Credit:
A lot of the times jewelry you like you find at music festivals or even outrigger races. That's how I met McKenzie of MCKMetal! And I absolutely LOVE her earrings! You could easily say I'm obsessed with her earring collection, and I love supporting small businesses!


BoMo earrings
BoMo Designs
Name: Bobbie and Morgan Poppler

BoMo necklace
Another way to find great jewelry is to just look towards your friends! Sometimes they'll surprise you! My best friend on Oahu just started making jewelry a couple years ago and I'm her #1 fan! Her jewelry is simple and beautiful! It goes with everything!

BoMo Earrings
I most always wear a piece of BoMo Designs with almost every outting I have to get dressed up for! She's currently working on getting a website up and running for just her jewelry! So stay tuned on Bobbie Poppler!

Bettys Belts
Instagram: @BettysBelts

As a bigger company, Bettys Belts has made quite a name for themselves as one of the larger ocean inspired jewelry business! Don't forget to check them out! She does wonderful work with left over surf resign as well!  

I love ocean inspired ANYTHING! Jewelry is just one of my favorite things! 

You can check out my blog:
Instagram: @KelThompson
Twitter: @KelThomp
as I move forward in my adventures to find the newest ocean inspired gems!

But for now, check out the people I mentioned above because they won't disappoint you! These were all brief descriptions as I could go on for hours on each individual business! Just explore your social medias, Etsy stores and local events to find the hidden treasures you may have passed over before!

 - Kel Thompson


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Love that song

Hello Loves!

I know. It has been awhile...I guess I just needed a break. I've been working through a few things. I have some of them figured out, others not so much, but that is okay. My to do list is long and I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed, but I am solving it when I can. Overwhelm = highly under-motivated to do anything = nothing gets done...but that little fit is behind me now and I am moving forward and I hope in big ways.

Moorea Seal is back with her 52 Lists Project and last week was...list your favorite songs!

Um, I didn't have enough paper for this list and not all of them are on there, because half the time it is not till I hear the song that I remember how much I love it. I don't know, but I think those might actually be the best ones! They come up just at the right time...right when you need them. There are also songs on this list that I might be a bit ashamed to love, but to be honest, I don't take this stuff seriously. Music is about fun and how it makes you feel! Right?

So here is my list...I actually downloaded the sheet for this week and wrote it out - I have to admit that it was kinda fun. You should check out Mindflight, she does all of her lists in calligraphy for it!

Week 21
my favorite songs.
anything from the beatles - "two of us"
anything from the black keys - "gold on the ceiling"
"here comes the sun" - george harrison (acoustic)
"mayonaise" - smashing pumpkins (acoustic)
"always love" - nada surf
"fly me to the moon" - sinatra (our song)
"wish you were here" - pink floyd
*I am a sucker for acoustic versions and tracks

What are your favorites? What did I miss? New music is always good! Hit me with what you got in the comments down I can listen to it on repeat (and annoy the heck out Jimi)! ;)


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52 Lists Project with Moorea Seal

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