Loving Lately // Fall

With the first week of fall coming to a close, I thought I would share why I love this time of year. Late summer early fall has been my favorite for a very long time, but I have started to extend that favorite from late summer to early winter over the past few years. There are a few downsides, but the upsides totally out weigh them in the end. Here are my favorites: 

Fall in California by Abby Lanes

1. Boots

2. Leaves

3. Colors:

Brown, tan, and orange with a hint of red.

4. Camping trips:

Our spring and summer is mostly spent paddling, so our fall and winter is when we like to camp - yeah it is cold, but everything is green and there are not a ton of people out, so we often find places that we get all to ourselves.

5. Getting cozy:

Whether that means a fire in the fireplace (or fire pit), a fuzzy sweater, or a down comforter and flannel sheets, it is the best time of year start getting comfy.

Photo source

6. The mornings:

Fall mornings in California are simply the best. I love late summer nights the most, but fall mornings run a close second. I always walk a ton in the fall, because it is a bit cooler, the air is crisp and everything in our neighborhood looks so charming (this reminds me - time to start my walking schedule again).

7. Pumpkin

8. The start to a new season of all my favorite TV shows (yes, they are bad...but sooo good).

9. Back to School:

Although I am no longer in school (I kind of wish I was sometimes), I just remember this time of year being so exciting and I love that! The start of a new school year, new things to learn and new school supplies - in art school, new supplies were the best, expensive, but so much fun!

But more importantly for me, this time of year is still all about learning new things. With paddling at a close, I have more time to explore, delve into big projects, create, and learn how to better myself and my business. These are all things I thoroughly enjoy when I have the time. When I don't have the time, they often start to stress me out, which is the exact opposite of what it is all about - so I really like taking this time of year for self reflection. It is a habit I have grown to love dearly over the past three years.

10. Out with the old, in with the new:
I know most people do Spring cleaning, but not me. I am more of a fall/winter cleaner. Along with self reflection and more time indoors (getting cozy), I start to feel the itch of a much needed purge. I go through our closets and reorganize, or get rid of things we no longer use. I rearrange a few things, overhaul in the cleaning department and decorate the house. I love it!

Photo c/o Roxy: Fall 2013 Collection

For me it is the time change in November and the allergies.

The time change bums me out for a few weeks. I could care less about gaining that hour, I just hate loosing those wonderful nights...I am not much of a morning person, so my nights are precious to me. And loosing those summer/fall sunsets is always the worst.

I have horrible allergies when I am not good about taking the proper precautions. Fall is always the worst, with the changing of the season and the pollen in the air. Running (which I do a lot more of in the fall and winter months) doesn't help, and neither do the cats (oh how I love them), but I am not giving those things up because of my allergies. I have a pretty good system down these days (I can't believe I lived with them for so long that way before), but sometimes they still get me and those days are hard, I have to say.

Enough about those downsides though, what do you love about fall? What are you celebrating this week? I know I am not the only one that loves this time of year the most!


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Mad Style // Folk Fibers and Shibori

Folk Fibers has got mad style....and here's why:

If you like fiber arts, you will love Maura Grace Ambrose, the creator of Folk Fibers. Her quilt designs are beautiful and handmade in America! These amazing textiles come with a "just as cool" cedar box handmade by Kelly DeWitt of KKDW Co.

Check out these loves here:

Maura Grace Ambrose 
Photo c/o Folk Fibers, Photo by Theron Humphry

Kelly DeWitt
Photo c/o KKDW Co.

Folk Fibers also have a great Insta - it is a must see.

Plus, they love to share the folklore behind textiles and natural dyes...pure goodness.

The Shibori pillows from Folk Fibers are to die dye for:

Photo c/o Folk Fibers

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Loving Lately // "Powerful Beyond Measure"

Do you need some inspiration, do you need to get pumped for today, for the weekend?

"Powerful Beyond Measure" by Anders Carlson has got it. This video is jammed packed with some of the most inspirational speeches of all time. The film may be of paddling, but even if you don't paddle the message can be applied to all aspects of life. It is listening to the words that are uplifting.

If you like paddling or would to learn more about it this is great film to watch, but if you are just looking for the inspirational aspect of it, I suggest just listening to the audio. It will get you wanting to go that extra mile to shine, to better the world, it will make you feel like you were born to go out and do whatever it is that is driving you. What is that passion you are striving to seek?

"Powerful Beyond Measure" Paddle from Anders Carlson on Vimeo.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” 

― Marianne Williamson

Last Friday, I wrote about our Catalina crossing and why I paddle. This video captures it, in a nutshell, this is why I paddle. But it also captures my ambition in life, to be a better person, to learn from myself and others, to go get what am worth, to shine. It won't look the same as the person next to me, but it will be my own, my journey to explore and I am thankful for it.

So how did our Catalina Crossing go?

We were the 7th women's boat across the line. We had a great race, the sun was out, the water felt good and we gave it our all. I am so proud of us this season. You look at our crew and we are one of the younger crews on the water. We have a head start, if we stick it out, stay together and work through it all, we can only get better. I have no doubt we will exceed our expectations again and again. We are going up against strong women and great crews.  Here are a few photos from last weekend.

Photos c/o Chris and Cody Silvester.

Saturday - what a change sequence looks like...

Sunday - hanging on the boat, enjoying the sun with my girls!


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Mad Style // Azure Furniture

Have you heard of the Beetle Kill Pine?

I think it is gorgeous, and so do these guys.

Azure Furniture is doing some pretty cool things with Beetle Kill Pine, all the while recycling wood that cannot be used and is potential wildfire hazard. We are talking 4 million acres of dead or dying trees, that are just sitting there, and there is little being done about it.
Check out this video, where they explain their mission, the mountain pine beetles, what they leave behind, and what that means for the Colorado Rocky Mountains. It is a rather sad tale for these pine trees, but Azure is giving them new life and trying to make the world a better place while they are at it.

Their beautifully crafted, handmade products are modern, yet classic. These designs and the company's aesthetic speaks to their movement and great interior design. Their line consists of 28 pieces that are affordable, handcrafted and innovative. 

Here are a few photos from their gallery. All photos c/o Azure Furniture Co. Photographed and staged by Kathryn Bacalis.

Azure's Instagram is also worth a peak, quality goodness is happening there. I will let you in on a little secret...all of that photo goodness comes from the lovely Kathryn of www.kathrynandperry.com. She is a photographer, designer and branding extraordinaire!


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Loving Lately // Catalina Crossing

This weekend is probably one of my favorite weekends of the year. This weekend is the Catalina Crossing. am ready to paddle my ass off to get to Catalina Island from Newport Beach, CA. It is about a 27 mile race, with 9 girls in a 200lb. canoe. We were flying on Wednesday night at our last practice of the season, so I can't wait to see how we do. This will be my 12th crossing and we have a rockin crew, with great coaches and what looks to be like WARM weather. That maybe the best part of the deal. Jumping in and out cold water is sooo much better when the sun is out and it is hot.

This season has been a different one, new coach, new teammates, I decided to start my own business and I am planning my wedding. Lots going on and a lot of adjustment. The great thing about paddling 6 man is the coming together and pushing through, getting through a race or a practice with a bunch of girls that might have a lot differences, or have completely different things going in their lives, or girls you might not have that much in common with. But, you have paddling in common, a love for the water and a want to do better, be better whether it is faster, a cleaner stroke or a better blend...there is always a goal to achieve, and there is something to be said about doing it together as one that makes it awesome! These girls are my friends for life...no matter where we end up, we experience things together that no one gets to do every day. Whales, dolphins, fun waves, big waves, windy days and some of the most gorgeous summer nights...what is not to love about any of that. We also get to experience the tough times together - the hard workouts, the not so easy lineups, the last minute changes, people dropping out and the days where you are just fighting the water rather then riding it...these days happen, but the girls that stick around through all of it I know have my back.

"Disappointment is inevitable. But to become discouraged, there's a choice I make." - Charles Stanley

Every girl in my boat tomorrow I know will bring her toughest game face, her best dance moves and an awesome attitude. They made their choice to fight on with their team, to get out there and race the race that means the most. For me, most of us, this is the race we train all year for...this is the journey we seek to find. I think most would agree, there is nothing like finishing this race.

Here are some photos from my past Catalina crossings over the years and here is to an awesome weekend on the water and messin' around with boats. Can't wait!
Catalina 2012 c/o C. Silvester

Catalina 2012
Catalina 2010

Catalina 2009
Catalina 2009
Catalina 2008 (Love this photo!)

I will follow up with some photos and an update from this year in the next few weeks, but if you would like to follow along over the weekend, check out my Instagram and Twitter @maddiedierkes.


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