The thing I probably love most about Southern California is the fact that in a matter of about 2 hours, you can go from being on the water at the beach to being in the mountains surrounded by snow piles and fog! <3

Some of us were more prepared then others, Malia brought her snow boots (good thinking girl!), where as Jimi brought shorts and a single sweatshirt (he thought it was going to be hot). Kelly (the birthday girl) was prepared with bringing space heaters for the house, which we were so thankful for! Bruce managed to find some more layers at the local thrift store, before the storm really set in! We ventured out of the house for an afternoon walk, a birthday dinner for Kel at Woody's, breakfast at the waffle house and another afternoon walk in the woods. Both dinner and breakfast were on the lake at Lake Arrowhead Village and the cabin we stayed in was deep in the woods in Twin Peaks. It was a nice little loop of cabins with lots of trees, a creek and some nice trails to walk.

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