Our latest interview is with Kathryn Hunter of Essential Glimmer!
I love the idea behind her business...finding and living your essence. The essence for July is Joy..."how do you share your joy?" Enjoy the interview and then go on over and check our her selection of wonderful Joy inspired pendents.
Name: Kathryn Hunter
Medium: Fine jewelry
Essential Glimmer
How did you get started in Jewelry design?
I was born into it. My father's been a jeweler since the mid '70s and I designed my first ring when I was twelve.
What is your business all about?
women deserve the opportunity to develop into the people they want to
be, and be appreciated for it. That declaration of self is why I created
Essential Glimmer. We are a jewelry line dedicated to the declaration of
your truest self.
We're an online only company, though you can also find us at:

Your biggest accomplishment with your art/design?
Taking the idea of Essential Glimmer and bringing it to reality.
Where do you see yourself in 1 year.....in 10 years?
In both cases, growing the idea of living your essential life.
Where do you draw your inspirations for your jewelry from?
The fans. They're the ones who choose each month's Essence, and in doing so, lead the way.
have a membership plan in the works that will go to support a
charitable organization, but we're keeping it under wraps until the
details are finalized.
Aerial Silks, Cooking, and Curling up on the Couch with a Book and a Cup of Tea - that's a hobby, right? (Maddie: Yes, I think so!)
Fave artists, designers?
Dale Chihuly, Brandon Jacob Hudson, and Adam O'Day.
Anything catching your eye for summer?
Simple lines and bold patterns.
Food for thought...want to add anything?
you know your Essence, your reason for everything you do, everything
else falls into place. If you don't know yours yet, I've got a short
ebook which can help you figure it out.
Thank you for sharing, Kathryn! xo,
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