Heart Art is all about loving art, loving to create and people who are making and creating amazing things.
It is my pleasure to introduce Sharon Knight. Sharon and I have only known each other a few short months, but I am so glad to have been grouped with her into our little mastermind group that meets once a month. We get to share our goals and what we are working on...I love Sharon's free spirit. Her current album, Neofolk Romantique, is due to release this month, so enjoy getting to know Sharon and then go check out her site!
Name: Sharon Knight
Art Medium/Niche: Musician, artist, and collector of strange things.
How did you get started in music/Neofolk Romantique?
I have been a musician forever, although I only decided to go for it as a full time career 4 years ago. I starting out learning traditional Celtic songs, and have gone on to write my own, based in mythology, faerytale, and story. I love fantastical characters. My music is folk-based, and very infused with romance and whimsy. It's not really strictly traditional any more so we (my husband and I) made up our own name that describes the feel of the music better. I have recently created an Etsy store that features all things Neofolk Romantique as well, for those who might want to bring the quirky, enchanted feel of our songs more fully into their lives.
Where can we hear some of your music? Where can we see you play?
Visit my website! For music players and store:
We tour every summer, and our tour dates are lining up on our site, right here: http://www.sharonknight.net/tour.html
Highlights for me are the Faerierworlds Festival and the Virginia Highlands Celtic Festival.
Your biggest accomplishment with your art?
I am pretty proud of my current album, due for release in July 2013, and which, coincidentally is called "Neofolk Romantique". I am also pleased to be playing main stage at some major festivals, this is a new development, and one that I am very pleased about!
Where do you see yourself in 1 year.....in 10 years?
I am working on building inroads into the European music market, so with persistence and luck I plan to be touring over there next summer. In 10 years I want to be a headlining artist at major festivals all over the world. In 10 years I will no doubt be ready to ease up on touring so I am putting the the artistic wing of Neofolk Romantique together now, in the form of an Etsy store. I plan for this to grow into a full-on boutique over time.
Where do you draw your inspirations for your music from?
Nature, myth and legend, fantasy, romance. Amazing people in history or in my life. Stories that sweep me off my feet.
What projects, collaborations are you working on right now?
I am finishing up my next album with my husband Winter. He is my main collaborator and a fantastic musician He has recently completed recording studio tracks for Blondie's latest album! OVer the years we have developed such an outstanding rapport, we practically read each others' minds in the studio, it is such a great working relationship, I can't imagine doing this without him.
What are you hobbies?
Hiking in the woods, Creating all sorts of art. Being in nature. I used to belly dance a lot, but I don't have a lot of time for hobbies these days, I must say!
Fave musicians?
Loreena McKennit, Faun, Azam Ali, lots of Finnish metal. Sj Tucker. Wendy Rule. Heather Dale. I could go on and on....
Anything catching your eye for summer?
Faerieworlds! It is a large outdoor festival dedicated to Faerielore...wonderful costumes and enchanting music all weekend. Spectacular light show at night! I am so looking forward to playing their main stage again this year!
All photos courtesy of sharonknight.net.
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