Amoeba Music

The last time I was at Amoeba Music was when I went to LA with  one of my best friends for a concert.  I cannot even remember the band we were going to see, but the tickets we had were free from her sister and it turns out she gave us the wrong night.  So we ended up at Amoeba and I loved it! 

I found myself there again this past weekend, lead by my sister (who now lives in LA) and Jimi, and I was ecstatic!  Our visit to see my sister total happened on a whim, I had a not so great day on Saturday, so my first thought was I need to hang out with Lily...and there we were Sunday morning.  So, when she said food and Amoeba, I was all in.

Isles and isles of music (records and CDs from all genres) and then isles and isles of DVDs/BluRays (they have everything) and they are all second hand, equaling pretty cheap.  Jimi and I came out with 5 DVDs, 1 BluRay, and 9 CDs for about 100 bucks.  The most expensive thing was the The Book of Eli BluRay/DVD/Digital Copy at around 15 bucks, which is about half off.  All of my CDs came in around $3.99 and Jimi was able to score 2 DVDs that were both only $1.99, or $Free.99, as we like to call it.

Huge selection, good music, a good vibe, great deals, and a friendly staff. 

I wish they had one closer to us, then LA, because I love CDs/DVDs and the idea of having a collection.  There is nothing like really wanting to watch that one movie you have been craving, or really wanting to listen to that album you have been thinking of and it being right there in your collection.  Yeah you can buy files, these days, which I do, sometimes.  But when it comes to an album, I love the overall feel it can have, with the album art, the CD art and the song placement. 

I love a good album, even more than I love a good song, because a good song doesn't always necessarily last, but a good album becomes a lifetime favorite and never gets old. <3


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