If you are a Jane Austen fan...

I recently picked up a book called A Jane Austen Education: How Six Novels Taught Me About Love, Friendship, and the Things that Really Matter by William Deresiewicz.  It has gotten great reviews and so far I love it.  It has been a great review of some of my favorite stories, a wonderful refresher on Jane Austen's personal history and a new perspective on what Austen was really trying to tell us with all the particulars.

It is very interesting to hear about Austen and her novels from a man's point of view, and how he fell in love with Austen and her writing.  The lessons and morals she teaches in her novels are closely looked at and compared to the modern every day life of Deresiewicz.  It also drives home the point that her novels are timeless, because Austen wrote about everyday people and occurrences, and they, along with their lessons, will always be applicable to our own every day lives.

So if you are a Jane Austen fan, like I am, I really recommend this book.  It not only sheds a new light on her stories and characters, but it also sheds a new light on your own everyday life and what really matters. 


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