CAF San Diego Triathlon Challenge

One of my favorite events of the year is the ocean swim I do at the CAF SDTC at the end of October.  The SDTC takes over La Jolla for a whole Sunday.  They have swimmers swimming 1.2 miles in La Jolla Cove, bikers tackling the notorious Torrey Pines incline during their 44 mile trek and runners looping around La Jolla in their 10 mile run.

If you are on a relay team, like I am every year, you only have to endure one of these amazing feats, but if you are a triathlete then you are taking on the biggest challenge of doing all three of these! I find that amazing in it self, but what is even more amazing about CAF and this triathlon is that a lot of these competitors are challenged athletes, missing one or more limbs.  Now that is inspiring and something to appreciate.

My favorite things about SDTC are the pictures, the moments, the accomplishments and the supportive atmosphere.  New records are made, new personal best times are had (I was able to shave off a good 5 minutes of of my time from last year!!), and new stories are told.  It is great to be apart of this event and I am so lucky to work for the title sponsor of this event, Aspen Medical Products.

Aspen Medical Products and CAF have been working together for a very long time building awareness and funds for challenged athletes through the San Diego Triathlon Challenge.  This a cause that is very close to a lot of us and has become a company wide en devour.  We fund raise, we hold luncheons, we get to know CAF staff, we get to know challenged athletes, we participate in relay teams, we volunteer, we walk in the 5K walk, we take tons of photos, we provide, we ride, we swim, we run, and we support.  Aspen makes this a weekend event and gets everyone together for one cause that couldn't be more empowering to me as an athlete.

I was so excited to have my boyfriend, Jimi, my Uncle Jeff, and my younger cousin, Jenna, join me for my morning swim and be my support group.  Mom and Dad followed along with a play-by-play from my uncle, and I received encouraging texts from my sister, Lily, and friends!  Seriously so blessed to have such a great group of people in my life!  Thank you all for your support, whether you came out to cheer me and the other athletes one, had words of encouragement, or donated funds through me in order to support CAF.  It all makes a difference and it made for a great event and a great swim!

P.S. I was super lucky the water was warm enough to go in with out a as a bird with a suit and rash guard! Here are some great photos from my Uncle Jeff!

CAF Swim start from top of the hill
Jenna and I pre-swim
Me surfing a little wave in at finish
Jimi, Me and Jenna after my swim


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