Bury and Grow // 2013 Word of the Year

My friend and fellow paddler, Jen Todd, created a fun little yearly activity called the Bury and Grow Hike.  It comes up every January where we head out to El Moro for a hike.  At some point in the hike we stop and dig a hole and add to the hole a leaf with something we want to let go of (or bury) and something that we want to make better (or grow) written on it.

El Moro View
 It can be hard to face somethings and really easy to face others, but it sets you up on the right track for the new year.  And you are surrounded by some of your closest friends that will help and support you no matter what.

The Group!
This year I didn't actually put anything in the hole, but during the hike amongst all the catching up and socializing I thought a few things to myself.  There are a few things I let go of in 2012 and there is A LOT I am excited to grow!  Since I am "burying" the things I am letting go of I wont be talking about them here, but I will let you in on what I want to grow!


1. My relationship with Jimi. Words really cant express how I feel about this person and it is hard to imagine that things will ever be bad or my feelings even deeper.  This year...the year of our engagement is going to amazing and I am so looking forward to preparing ourselves to take the next step together and learning more about each other. Thank you babe for the first 7 years together, year 8 will be one for the books.

2. My jewelry. All right I know, everyone can't wait to see what I got in store. And I got some stuff in store for you this year! 2013 is the year I get my jewelry up on Etsy and I am tackling inventory! I have spent the last year building up my internet presence and have finally made a good base to get my store online with a full shop in the garage. Thank you everyone for the support...2013 will bring rewards!

3. Myself.  I have spent about 6 months doing some good old reading...blogs, books, devotionals and websites, on things I want to grow about myself.  Well now in 2013, I plan to actually act on everything I have read and make everything I do including my blog, my wardrobe and my writing be 100% authentically me.  That is hard to do...knowing yourself, figuring yourself out. I have not done it in 6 months...I will not have done it by the end of this year, because it is a journey.  But step-by-step I am taking each part of my life and evaluating it...is this me? And when it is not, I am changing it.  I can tell a difference already and am so looking forward to continuing to grow in 2013.

Me and my cousin, Danielle
Putting these things down on paper also helps me realize what I want for 2013 and the one word that sums it all up.  My word for 2013 is...

This word came up in a discussion with a friend the other day and I was like...oh yes, I love that word! This is something I want to strive for daily! In my relationships, my art, my blog, my wardrobe, my life and in myself...I want to find authenticity.  This is a word that I would love to find describes me....in everything I do.

What do you want to grow this year? What do you choose to forget? What is that one word that really speaks to you for 2013?  Leave in comments below if you would like to share, because I would love to hear what everyone else is thinking of for 2013.



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