Let's get Jazzed!

Week 18 // 52 Lists Project // The ways I am energized!

So I am back! Last week was hard to blog for some reason and the 52 Lists project for Week 17 was the people I admire. I did this list but decided not to post it because it while in the middle of writing it got really personal. Yes I could explain who everyone was, but I really didn't want to do that here. I enjoyed Week 17's list for the purpose of doing the list. Examining the things you love or admire about a person and in my case it is almost always the people closest to me. I was able to honor them in my list and in my heart last week. It was definitely on my mind.

This week I am feeling a lot more energy, and it just so happens to be a prompt about what makes you feel energized! I thought this list was fun, especially after the seriousness of last week's prompt. Energy is fun, and when I get it I like to use it for every last drop.

I took a Predictive Index Test at work and it showed my energy level to be at 82, so basically I am a marathon runner in training. Let me break it down a bit, for those who have not taken the test. In the test, the number for energy is not how much energy you have, but how you use it. There are people with a low number who need major down time between big projects or pushes. An average number offers that you need to do some, then break, do more, then break and so on. A high number means you just go, go, go from the time you wake up, till the time you go to bed. I am at the high end of average and low end of high...so I have endurance and most days are spent going and going from when I open my eyes in the morning, until I close them at night. Here is the catch...I need a day, usually about once a month where I do absolutely nothing...I mean my energy level is 0 and I literally cannot do anything. 

So what energizes me? Here is the list.

Week 18
list the ways you are energized.

coffee. water. lists.
reading a good book.
writing in the mornings.
walking with ozzie.
drawing.  napping.
laughing with jimi.
a peaceful night at home.
getting in the shop.
being in/on the water.
a little lunch break outside.
coming home after a long day.
a hot shower. yoga. music.
warm breezes in the late afternoon.
a good meal. the sun on my skin.
the smell of cinnamon.
crisp, cool morning air.
morning paddles.
getting stuff done.
the sound of waves.
new threads. cleaning.
camping. traveling.
break throughs.

music: nothing like a good song to get you to work or get you home.
being in water: nothing compares to being submerged in water.
the sound of waves: their energy is nothing short of inspiring.
break throughs: nothing like a good idea to get you moving.
traveling: this might be weird, but when traveling I have a ton more energy!
oh and naps...i like those.

When we did the Predictive Index at work, we discussed it as a team and now we understand ourselves and our teammates so much more knowing how they tick, what they need for energy. We found that we actually have a very well rounded, stable team...which being apart of R&D is an important thing. Like Moorea said, as introverts and extroverts we spend our energy and receive energy in such different ways, that is good to understand yourself and where others come from. I know I am introverted in most situations and need time to myself to find energy. Are you Introvert or Extrovert? How do you gain and spend your energy? What are your energy levels like? Can you keep pushing all day, or do you need some healthy breaks? I find this all very interesting, so share in the comments below!

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52 Lists Project with Moorea Seal 

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