52 Lists // Week 13

Mad Dream Design is linking up with Moorea Seal for the 52 Lists project every Wednesday!

Week 13 
List the things you want to make.

jewelry. style.
prints. 2D designs.
cards. lists.
a home. a sanctuary.
fun printables.
paint the walls.
fountains for our yards.
wood chimes for our yards.
fun blogs. web designs.
a composter.
an improved garden. herbs.
a meaningful life.
my wedding. stationary.
healthy dinners.
pottery on a wheel.
heartfelt words.
my business. my brand.
art. inspiration.
beautiful things.
an awesome get away plan.
a family of my own.
the best of this life.
photographs of good memories.
a great wardrobe for myself.
my own motivation. 

I am going to make my Etsy Shop happen!

52 Lists Project with Moorea Seal 

What will you be making this weekend? 



  1. I came across your blog through 52 Lists. This is an awesome list! I love that it's not just about the things, but about making your life amazing! And your Etsy shop looks lovely!

    This weekend, I am going to make my craft room a bit more organized and make some connections with friends. :)


    1. Sarah! I just saw this comment, and I am bummed. Thank you for stopping by and the kind words! How did your weekend of organizing your craft room go? I love organizing...especially crafts. Thank you for stopping by the shop. It means so much to me! xo Maddie

  2. These are such great things to make! I realize that I hadn't put a lot of things down on my list that I wanted to make! You have a couple of the same as me!

    1. Thank you Adrienne! There are so many things to make it is hard to remember them all, as I am finding with most of these lists. It is fun finding similarities with other blogger's lists as well. I love this project more and more each week! xo Maddie

  3. Your list looks gorgeous on the page. I find myself weeks behind, but I love doing this.


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