Moorea Seal // 52 Lists Project // Weeks 1-6

A jewelry designer and inspirational blogger that I love to follow is, Moorea Seal. She has great ideas for making 2013 the best year, yet, and a fun jewelry shop on Etsy...full of amethyst rings and chevron necklaces! Swoon. Moorea is such a great inspiration, so I am excited to share her latest project with you all.

Her latest project is The 52 List Project.  A list per week for the entire year with prompts like your current and future goals and dreams, the ways you can show love to others and things you are proud of.  A fun, free printable with the prompt is available each week, along with her list for the week and a place to link up your own list to share. Oh, I do love a good list!

We are now on week 6 and I have finally caught up on the prompts, so instead of sharing all of my lists in this one post, I will give the you the best from each week and the full list for this week at the end. Enjoy!

52 Lists Project
Weeks 1 - 3
Week 1
Words that touch your soul.
(side note: I absolutely loved this prompt and I think it is still my favorite.)

Week 2
Your greatest comforts.
traveling to a favorite place.
coming home.
my pillow.
the sound of waves.
the warmth of the sun on my skin.
being embraced in a huge Jimi bear hug.

Week 3
Things you should be proud of.
the people closest to me.
my business progress.
the adventures I have had.
the time I have taken to learn.
Weeks 4 - 6
Week 4
Current and future goals and dreams.
start my own business, quit my day job.
find a creative community that I can be apart of.
grow old with Jimi, but first marry my best friend. :)
travel when I get the opportunity - more adventures.
create and learn new things everyday.
run another half marathon...I think I am crazy...

Week 5
What you are grateful for.
my family and childhood.
my passion for art, design, and history - knowledge.
the people closest to me.
the taste of rootbeer.
the ocean.
my adventures.
my pets.

Week 6
The ways I can show love to others.
say I love you.
send them a note.
listen. care. be there.
be responsive.
smile. laugh. reward.
be grateful.
give praise and affection.
acceptance and understanding.
be kind. be thankful, grateful.
open my mind and my heart.
accept love from others.
spend quality time.
compliment. take interest.
communicate. connect.
be authentic.
thoughtful gestures.
practice patience.
pray. hug. kiss.

I love my lists in a notebook, so this is my 52 lists project book!
If you love lists (who doesn't?) and would like to participate head on over to Moorea Seal!
Happy listing!


  1. When I first read it, I thought, "Oh hell no! A list a week? That's WAY too much" But in actuality those lists are really quite simple. I have a line a day journal and those might be perfect for it! So... I might be joining you in this listmaking adventure!

    1. Haha, Morgan! I know what you mean, but yes they are quite simple and don't take up much time. I think incorporating it into your journal is a great idea! I hope you join, I have found them to be pretty fun and it has been interesting how they have helped me fine tune some of things!

  2. Your notebook is darn cute! I have been doing all my lists digitally! :)

    1. Thank you! I know it is so easy to just do them digitally...sometimes I will do them as I am writing my post, but then I will go back to my notebook and rewrite the list. I always end up adding more! :) Thanks for stopping by! xo Maddie


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